Data Request


In order to be considered, data requests must meet the Data Access, Sharing and Privacy Requirements found on the following webpage:


Before submitting a Data Request Form, please visit the Missouri Comprehensive Data System (MCDS) portal at The MCDS portal provides a number of resources that might meet your needs.


1.   Accountability

o   a.  APR – MSIP5 State Accountability

o   b.  Historical AYP Federal Accountability

o    c.  Title III AMAO

o    d.  MSIP5 Annual Performance Report (APR)

2.    College and Career

o    a.  Career Education (Program and Course Enrollment, Graduates and Completers Placement)

o    b.  College Education (ACT, FASFA)

o    c.  District and Building Graduation and Dropout Indicators

o    d.  Feedback Reports (High School Graduate Feedback Report)

o    e.  Perkins (Adult, Secondary, Postsecondary

3.    District and School Information

o    a.  District and School Information (Calendar, Enrollment, Accreditation, Statistics, Dropout and Graduation Rates, Census of Technology)

o    b.  District and Building Graduation and Dropout Indicators

o    c.  District and Building Student Indicators (Attendance, Discipline, Demographics, LEP/ELL, PE Assessment)

o    d.  District and Building Education Staff Indicators (Faculty Information, Student Staff Ratio, Certification)

o    e.  Missouri School Directory

o    f.   School Finance Data and Reports

o    g.  School Report Card (District, School, and State

4.    Education Staff

o    a.  Educator Information (Administrator/Superintendent Salaries)

o    b.  District and Building Education Staff Indicators (Faculty Information, Certification, Staff Ratio, Educator Evaluation)

o    c.  Education Staff (Certification, Educator Credentials)

5.    Special Education

o    a.  Special Education (Part B, Part C, Child Count)

o    b.  Special Education Profiles

6.    State Assessment

o    a.  State Assessment (District/School/State – Content Area and Grade, School)

o    b.  Historical State Assessment

o    c.  Achievement Levels – 4 Levels

o    d.  Historical AYP – Federal Accountability

o    e.  Content Standard – Item Analysis


When submitting a data request, requestors should consider the following:

1.    Data requests will be filled as the time and workload of the Department staff allow.

o    a.  Please allow approximately four weeks for your data request to be reviewed and processed.

o    b.  If you have not received notification from our office within four weeks, please send an email to

o    c.  During peak times, the estimated time to review your data request may take six weeks at a minimum.

2.    The complexity of a data request may increase the amount of time needed to fill it.

3.    Data requests from multiple sources may be delivered in multiple files (i.e., may not be compiled into a file or report).

4.    Data requests filled will not include special calculations, analyses, tabulations, or formatting.

5.    If there are costs involved in the fulfillment of your request for data, DESE will provide you with a time/cost estimate prior to moving forward with the data request.

6.    Minimum N-Size = 5.  All cells with 5 or fewer students will be suppressed to protect student privacy.  Some data requests may require a Memorandum of Understanding to be established.


If you have any questions, contact the Office of Data System Management at or 573-522-3207.
Improving Lives through Education